I've been very busy lately. Already a month into classes at CSUN and LMU, and I'm pretending it's autumn in Los Angeles, even though it's still too dang hot. But I'm wearing plaid, so....it must be fall.
The images above are of the work I mailed to the
Art House Co-Op in Atlanta, Georgia for their "Collecting Objects" project. Today I signed up for what sounds like another fun adventure, their "Scavenger Project."
Here's good stuff: I actually found
Lost Found Art while teaching my 2d design class. Who knows what I was talking about at the time.
My friend Ann Flowers has started a blog, haunted by pretty ghosts. Check out
A Beautiful Party.CSUN has wireless internet everywhere, which leads us to my next recent discovery: how fantastic is
Pandora Radio? Why didn't I discover this sooner?
Here's a breakthrough moment in the history of the universe:

Well, actually like most things in the universe, this breakthough is rather a looping-around of something I was doing years ago......
So, I've made 115 sales to date in
my Etsy shop. I listed some new things on my birthday...check 'em out.
I'm working on a stack of applications, proposals, and entries.
I'm also working on etching big zinc plates, and taking out some of my agression on a litho stone.