I just re-read J. D. Salinger's "Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters":
"Oh, God, if I'm anything by a clinical name, I'm a kind of paranoiac in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy."
You can tell it's going to be a great day when, at 7:30 am, you learn there's a "robot party" going on in a gated community.
I had a very successful day selling work at the Barnsdall Arts Market. It was a lovely cold-for-California day, and I was glad to spend it outside. The crowd was pretty consistant throughout the event, and there seemed to be more people attending this time around. I saw a few people I know, made a couple of gift purchases.... Really my only complaint is that I forgot a chair and spent the day on my feet.
Sold lots of felt brooches, shrinky-dinks, and works on paper. Explained what "shrinky-dinks" are ten-thousand times. (gladly!)
here are some of the brooches:

I somehow managed to come home with a new-old blue-and-white typewriter. I was speaking with a couple of people about typewriters, and my preference for the blue variety, and a fellow mentioned he had a blue one that he never uses. This evolved into a trade. If people regularly offered me typewriters in exchange for art, I would be in trouble.

Some of the letters stick, and it smells a tad smoky, but isn't it pretty?
Best Barnsdall Arts Market EVER!