..and Dots.
I had an intense time at the Southern Graphics Council conference. I'm still processing the experience, but I need to tell the world about it.
Late on Wednesday night I arrived in Richmond, Virginia. From then 'til the time I left for the airport, (4:30am Sunday, by way of the most frightening van ride ever!) I was joyfully overwhelmed by old friends, familiar faces, former professors, long-time heroes, former class-mates, even a former student. So many friends. Oh, and plenty of art.
I walked a lot, I talked more than usual, I laughed a lot, and realized I don't laugh enough in Los Angeles. I saw a lot of art. I got to show my recent work to the whole of the SGC community, but more importantly I had the chance to show my new work to people who's opinion (and approval!) is really important to me. Two of these good people: my former professor Nicole Hand from Murray State University, and Joe Lupo, my former professor from West Virginia University.
I sold some work, made a lot of good contacts, and even saw a few fellow etsy folks. I drank a lot of coffee, a few beers, and then a few more beers. Ah, printmaking....
A particular highlight was hearing Leslie Dill speak about her work. I have known and admired her work for some time, but getting more of an impression of her as a person has truly made me a fan. She was interesting, profound, poetic...and funny. And here's a piece for you to enjoy:

Lesley Dill, 2004
Breathing Leaves
ink, thread, glue on tea-stained fabric
The intensity of the experience didn't end with me crashing, exhausted, onto my Ikea sofa-bed back in LA. Oh no, that would have been too easy! When I got into LAX at 10:45 am, (after over seven hours of travel...oh, and a mere 2 hours of sleep the "night" before...) my guy picked me up and we drove out to Simi Valley. Sam was photographing an event at his former summer camp, Camp Alonim. We had an amazing day, and I can't tell you how wonderful it was to explore a place that is so important to my person-of-particular-significance.
Future-recent work will include images of stacked pink stones, pepper from pepper trees, pink eucalyptus leaves, and perhaps a watching horse. I also grabbed some twigs from a burnt tree. Southern-California-wildfire-charcoal drawings? Aren't we excited?
Anyway, I really needed SGC, and I think I also needed to see Camp Alonim. And BOY am I tired.....
Today I posted a whole bunch of new drawings in my Etsy store. I love this series of "Island" drawings. Take a look....see if you don't agree!