Recently I have dug deep into the archives, and have been working on a crop of drawings started long ago and oh so far away. This evening I posted four of these for sale on my
Etsy store.Most people, (reading this, or that I know, or in the universe) haven't read my
Master's Thesis. That's okay, really, but I do suggest that you follow the link and check out some of the images from the Installation. Anyway, I thought I'd post a little info 'bout how I work:
My working method is more cyclical than linear. I make a piece, and then I take it apart and reinvent it. I hide things in boxes for months or years. I cut pieces-into-pieces only to discover that they need to be sewn back together. I forget about things I’ve started, then later return my attention to them.
Each piece I make has a history because of this cyclical working method. This series of 14 drawings have had such an interesting evolution. I started them in fall of 2004, (I believe...). They have been written on and drawn on multiple times, and then rinsed out, almost removing my inky marks. They have been stained with tea. They have been torn into smaller drawings. I have considered them as one large piece. I have considered binding them into a book.
Recently I rediscovered them, and have now considered them one-at-a-time, as individuals. I have responded to the faint snippets of text that remain. I have made decisions.
And now I am letting them go.
Keep an eye on the shop for more of this "crop".