My little books in the window of John & Lisa's studio,
during the TRAC tour in June. |
A few books. I'm not talking about it as much,
but I'm still making the hell outta some books. |
Summer is over, folks. Here in Spruce Pine we have had some cold nights and mornings, and more than a few trees are hinting at autumn. At
Penland we have just over a week of summer classes remaining, and yesterday was my first day teaching at Appalachian State University in Boone.
Summer gardening was splendid, and my tomatoes did better than I could have hoped. I went swimming on the 4th of July. I found more than a few four-leaf clovers. I watched a meteor shower with Courtney Martin and John Geci. I laughed uncontrollably in the meadow at Penland with Yvonne Cavannah. At the Highland Games at Grandfather Mountain, I ate kettle-corn under a leaky easy-up tent in a 45 minute downpour with Kate Boyd. I had some sweet visitors. I walked a lot. I can't complain about summer.....well, maybe I can a bit. This was the first summer ever where I didn't have a big far-away adventure planned...and although in some ways that was wonderful, (the tomatoes!) I also have felt very restless, a little crazy, and at times very sick of ol' Spruce Pine. I had a few little adventures, (including a very short trip to Baltimore!?) and having visitors made summer much much better.
Summer is the busiest time of year at Penland, and it is exhausting. Mostly good exhausting, but it is a bit of a bummer when you are not participating in a class. It is indeed a bit like working at Disneyland.
Mmm, let's go to Disneyland!
Anyway, books have been made and sold. Drawings have been drawn. I just keep going.
Just a few strawberries. |
Sometimes the sky at Penland looks like this. |
Ginger Ale & Bourbon. |
Luna Moth & Intern Reflection. |
Oh gosh, I shall miss Victoria Fabulous, our gallery intern. |
Mystery Hill near Blowing Rock, NC. |
Garden garlic, chilies, tomatoes, basil. |
Have I mentioned the tomatoes? |
How could I get sick of Spruce Pine? Come on. |
Going to Baltimore for about 30 hours? Folly. |