O, its been cold and rainy and wonderful out here in California. I love it. I've been very busy with work and art. And tulips and letter-writing. Can't believe its already mid-February. Deadlines are sneaking up on me from all sides.
But I wanted to take a break from my productivity to at least post some pictures, and a "hello" to my mom, who likes to check in on the ol' blog.

I'm spending every possible moment working on work for my upcoming show, "Very Long Lines" at Surface Gallery in Bakersfield. The work is larger than usual, and also very open: lots of lovely white space. And also lots of intricate tiny detail. I may be going blind!
I'm not ready to start sharing this new work with the world, but I will post some pictures of some of the "source material."

Journal drawings, August 2007.

Magazine image of a river...this has been taped to my wall for a few months. I know its upside down. The Polaroids are from a sunrise in Northridge, maybe in November.

I made these sketches in 2001, in my little seventh floor drawing studio at Murray State University. They were images from dreams. Very vivid dreams about art I had not made...don't worry. I'm not about to start writing about my dreams on this blasted blog.

More recent journal notations...December 2008.
Okay. Back to work.