(this post was written earlier in October....I guess I never "published" it!)
Oh, this has been a good weekend.
Saturday was particularly good. For starters, it was cool and grey all day, and we even had a bit of rain! (although not enough to satisfy me.) I didn't do anything too thrilling. I had eggs benedict at my favorite french restaurant....( I say that like I frequent many french restaurants) and I took a stroll. I tried to visit the observatory, but seeing as it was a lovely cool saturday afternoon, it was far too crowded up there for my taste.
I must admit that the bulk of my day was spent at home on Ebay..........which really isn't like me at all, I swear.

I bought this pretty teacup and saucer. This antique pattern ("Adams" "Maytime") is sort of the Moode-family pattern. My parents got a set of this china from my great-grandmother...(I want to say that she
sold the set to my mom for $15. Mom, correct me if I'm wrong.) We ate off this china in my early childhood, til at some point we stopped using it. We got new everyday dishes, and we had lost many pieces in earthquakes.....I think my mom was also very concerned about lead in the paint.
Anyway, the dishes were put away for some time. In the early 90's, we started bringing out this china at Thanksgiving. What else happened in the 1990's? The Internet. My Dad, (from whom I inherited my obsessive collecting tendencies) hunted down and replaced a lot of the set.....and then added to it......more and more.....
Well, a family of four needs a full set of 12+ egg cups and milk cups and demitasse cups and coffee cups, right?
It really is a stunningly happy cabinet at my parent's kitchen. So I bought this cup and saucer for my own kitchen.